4000 Programmable Electronic Pushbutton Lock
4 0 0 0 P r o g r a m m a b l e E l e c t r o n i c P u s h b u t t o n L o c k • P K 2 9 7 1
P a g e 1 6
2.7 Clearing a Tamper Shutdown
The 4000 lock enters a tamper shutdown after the number of successive invalid code attempts
specified under the Tamper Counter setting (command 69). While in the ‘tamper shutdown’
state, the LED indicator gives a half-second red pulse repeated every 10 seconds. All access
codes are locked out until the shutdown time specified in command 6 expires. If an access
code (valid or invalid) or an invalid master or manager authorization code is keyed in during the
tamper shutdown, the lock discards it and re-initializes the tamper shutdown timer back to its
programmed value, thus extending the tamper shutdown period.
There are two ways to open the door from the outside before the end of the shutdown time.
• Keying in a valid master or manager authorization code places the lock in programming
mode, and also ends the tamper shutdown. Ex: #master# and # to finish programming.
• Alternatively, the manual override key can be used in an emergency, if there is no time
to program the lock using a manager or a master level code. The override key does not
remove the tamper shutdown, which will continue until the shutdown time has expired.
2.8 Reset Button (Forgotten Master Code)
In order to completely reset all the PIN codes and parameters of the lock if moving it to a new
location, if completely reprogramming all locks in your access control system, or in the event of
master authorization code being forgotten, perform the following sequence of steps:
1. On the inside of the door, the inside lever and the inside cover. Loosen the mounting
screws and remove the inside housing from the door.
2. Using a pen or small screwdriver, press the reset switch through the hole in the inside
housing. Hold the switch down for 1 second.
3. Replace the, cover, handle and batteries.
4. Proceed to reprogram the lock, including changing the Master authorization code,
which has been reset to the factory default value (12345678).