2.6.2 Oil recommendation
Recommended oil for engines with diesel particulate filters.
The engine oil must meet the following classification:
■ ACEA, class E9
■ API, class CJ-4
➤ Use only engine with low white ash build up.
■ Engine oils that do not conform to the above can shorten the useful life of the engine.
■ The use of unlisted engine oils requires prior authorization by KAESER.
➤ Contact KAESER service.
For selecting the appropriate viscosity class, you must take the ambient temperature at the installa‐
tion site or the machine deployment area into account. Excessively-high viscosity can cause start‐
ing difficulties, while a too low viscosity reduces the lubricating capacity and may cause very high
oil consumption.
Viscosity is classified by SAE.
Always use multi-grade lubricating oils!
Always ensure the prescribed lubricating oil quality when selecting the viscosity class!
Ambient temperatures [°F]
Viscosity class
> 77
SAE 30
SAE 10 W–30
SAE 15 W–40
32 ..... 77
SAE 10 W–30
SAE 15 W–40
–4 ..... 104
SAE 10W-40
< 77
SAE 10 W–30
Tab. 28 Engine oil recommendation
Initial engine oil quantity:
The engine is filled initially with the following engine oil:
Ambient temperatures [°F]
Viscosity class
–4 ..... 104
SAE 10W-40
Tab. 29 Initial engine oil quantity
2.6.3 Fuel recommendation
To comply with emission regulations, diesel engines fitted with an exhaust gas treatment system
must be operated only with a sulphur-free diesel fuel. Compliance with the emission requirements
but also the durability of the individual exhaust gas treatment components is not assured if this re‐
quirement is ignored!
The diesel fuel must meet the requirements of EN 590 and ASTM D975 respectively.
Technical Data
Operator Manual Portable Rotary Screw Compressor
No.: 901779 08 USE