➤ Wear close-fitting, flame-resistant clothing. Wear protective clothing as necessary.
➤ Switch off the machine and lock out the supply disconnecting device.
➤ De-pressurise all pressurised components and enclosures.
■ Wait until the machine has automatically vented.
■ Carefully open the compressed air outlet valve.
■ Check: The pressure gauge must read 0 psig!
➤ For maintenance and repair work, isolate machines with "automatic start/stop" (Option ob) from
the compressed air network and secure against automatic start.
➤ Allow the machine to cool down.
➤ Do not open the body while the machine is switched on.
➤ Do not open or dismantle any valves.
➤ Use only spare parts approved by KAESER for use in this machine.
➤ Operate the machine only in technically sound condition.
➤ Carry out regular inspections:
■ for visible damage and leakage,
■ of safety devices,
■ of the EMERGENCY STOP device,
■ of parts needing monitoring.
➤ Pay particular attention to cleanliness during all maintenance and repair work. Cover compo‐
nents and openings with clean cloths, paper or tape to keep them clean.
➤ Do not leave any loose components, tools or cleaning rags on or in the machine.
➤ Components removed from the machine can still be dangerous.
Do not attempt to open or destroy any components taken from the machine.
➤ Self-locking nuts removed for the installation must not be reused but replaced by new nuts, be‐
cause the non-positive safety is no longer ensured.
➤ Use only suitable compressed air hoses.
Compressed air hoses must meet the following requirements:
■ they are of the right type and size for the highest permissible machine working pressure,
■ they are not damaged, worn or of reduced quality,
■ they have couplings and connections of the right type and size.
➤ Wear protective gloves when connecting or disconnecting compressed air hoses.
➤ Make sure compressed air hoses are de-pressurised before disconnecting from the machine.
➤ Secure the open end of an air hose before applying air pressure. An unsecured hose may whip
and cause injury.
➤ At working pressures >100 psi, compressed air hoses should be secured by a cable to their
respective outlet valves.
➤ Connect and operate only suitable air tools.
■ The air tools must meet the set output pressure of the machine.
■ Use a pressure reducer for air tools requiring a lower pressure.
■ Use compressed air tools only with the pressure appropriate for its purpose (tool working pres‐
Safety and Responsibility
No.: 901765 05 USE
Operator Manual Screw Compressor