Operation Manual
Model YP-38
- 24 -
to 45
. Recheck the angle before you go
on to the second bend.
Chalk-mark the ring, or set a stop, for
ease of repeating the 45
Bend No. 2
Slide the stock to the #15 chalk mark (as
in B), and bend it to 45
Recheck the angle.
Remove the blank from the Bender.
Recheck that the bend leg is at 90
to the
front of the "D".
Bend No. 3
Reverse the stock end-for-end. Slide it to
the #24 chalk mark (as in C), and bend it
to 45
. Recheck the angle.
Bend No. 4
Slide the stock to the #10 chalk mark (as
in D), and bend it to 45
Recheck the angle. Recheck that the two
legs are parallel.
To remove the part from the Bender,
remove the pin that holds the sharpangle-
bend attachment.
Tack-weld the 6 in. piece to form the back
of the letter "D".
Grind and sand all sharp corners.