Shenzhen Just Motion Control Electro-mechanics Co., Ltd
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Amp2 and Phase2 is Phase adjustment for 2nd and
Amplitude adjustment for 2nd resonance area
respectively. Usually between 1.2rps and 2.4rps.
This parameter is used for reducing resonance.
Usually between 3rps and 4rps.
Enable signal
This parameter is set to control the Enable input
signal level. 0 means low, while 1 means high.
Edge of the pulse
This parameter is set to choice the edge of the input
pulse. 0 means rising edge, while 1 means falling
Command Type
This parameter is set to choice the PUL/DIR mode
or CW/CCW mode. 0 means PUL/DIR mode,while
means CW/CCW mode. When choice the CW/CCW
mode, should make sure the port which don’t input
PUL is low level.
micro steps
This parameter is set of user-defined micro steps.
The actual micro steps = the set value
50. For
example, if the parameter is 4, the micro steps is 4
50 =800. But If this parameter is 0, which means
micro steps is set by the outer DIP switches.
Time of standstill
This parameter is set the time when the standstill