Kalatel DSR-1000eZ
6.3 Upgrading the DSR with WaveBrowser
Upgrading the software for the DSR is accomplished via the ethernet port and a PC/Laptop equipped with
a web browser.
To properly upgrade the Kalatel DSR the following preconditions must exist:
The Flash upgrade file and path. This file is obtained by calling Kalatel Technical Support at 1-800-
469-1676. When calling, please have the following information available:
The model number of the product.
The serial number and revision of the product
The current firmware version.
The date purchased.
Symptoms of the unit that might require upgrade.
The DSR unit connected to a PC equipped with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.5 or later via
ethernet cable.
The IP address of the DSR.
WaveReader software must NOT be connected to the DSR. Please exit all non-essential software
on the PC.
Ensure that the DSR is not currently recording or archiving.
Follow the steps below to Upgrade the DSR:
Step 1.
Launch the Browser software (Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later).
Step 2.
Enter the IP address of the DSR in the address field of the Browser followed by
press enter. For example if the IP address is type
Step 3.
The Enter Network Password window should appear. Enter the correct Username and Password
in their respective fields. (The default username is admin and the password is admin. It is
recommended that the defaults be changed ASAP). Click the OK button. The DSR upgrade page
should appear.