Supported Configurations
Strato can be used by itself as a complete Kaleidescape system, or it can be
used with other Kaleidescape Encore family components, including additional
Strato or Alto players, Terra servers, and Disc Servers.
Strato and Alto are both available in versions with and without internal movie
storage. In a multi-zone system, up to four Alto or Strato players with internal
storage may be used.
Beyond four zones, the system must include one or more Terra servers, and
some or all of the players must be the no-storage versions.
Kaleidescape recommends that a large system be designed such that all of its
storage is in the Terra servers (
, using only players without internal storage),
because Terra can support more simultaneous playback streams. However, if
circumstances dictate, you can still use up to four players with internal storage
provided that all other players are no-storage versions.
Up to two Disc Servers can be added to a system. If the system has one or
more Terra servers, that limit is removed, and there is no set limit to the number
of Disc Servers a system can have. You should consult with Kaleidescape
before specifying a multi-vault system to ensure that system performance will
be acceptable with your planned configuration.
Gigabit Ethernet connections are required for all components in a multi-
component system. 100Base-T Ethernet networks are not recommended for
systems that include Strato players, because of the bandwidth required for 4K
Ultra HD.
Strato has built-in Wi-Fi, which may be used when Strato is installed as a
standalone, single-component Kaleidescape system.