5. Maintenance
The following sections provide
information about the maintenance
of the fireplace.
- Maintenance
- Malfuntions
5.1 Maintenance
Maintenance frequency
The gas fire should be inspected for
optimal, sustainable and safe use
annually. Malfunctions to the gas
fire must be fixed instantly. Inform
your client about the possibilities of a
maintenance contract.
Before and after the heating season
As time passes, tarnish can form on
the inside of the class. This can be
removed by using a moist cloth or non-
scratching cleaning detergent (ceramic
glass cleaner). Do not use corrosive
or abrasive substances for cleaning
the fireplace. Damage to varnish is
not included in the warranty. Small
damaged can be removed by using
heat-resistant varnish. This varnish is
available at Archifire Fireplaces.
5.1.1 Cleaning the (standard)
ceramic windows.
Different cleaning
instructions apply for anti-
reflective glass.
The gas fire glass can become
contaminated when the fireplace
is burning, but also when it is not.
Potential causes can be: Smoking
materials in the fireplace (especially
in the beginning), air contamination,
quality of the type of gas etc.
Filth and stains on the glass must be
removed immediately.
Never turn on the fireplace when
it has filth or stains on the glass.
This can lead to permanent
Clean the glass after the first use
of the fireplace and clean the glass
regularly in the initial period.
Use scratch-free cleaning
substances only.
5.1.2 Cleaning instructions anti
reflective glass
The gas fire glass can become
contaminated when the fireplace
is burning, but also when it is not.
Potential causes can be: Smoking
materials in the fireplace (especially
in the beginning), air contamination,
quality of the type of gas etc.
Anti-reflective glass is polished ceramic
glass to which a number of metal oxide
coatings have been applied that reduce
the reflection to less than 1%.
To prevent damage to these coatings, it
is important that you carefully comply
to the following cleaning instructions. A
blue/purple discolouration can become
visible on the anti-reflective glass, as a
result of using the gas fire.