Customizing Profiles
The preloaded profile is for PlayStation 4 only. If you are a
Nintendo Switch or Xbox One user, please select a profile that
corresponds to your game system. These profiles are console
specific but not game-specific, so once the proper default profile
for your console is loaded the settings can be adjusted for the
specific game you are playing. Aside from adjusting profile
settings, you can also customize the profile from the Library tab
view. Swipe left on the profile to make changes such as renaming,
changing profile icon, or change the format to a different game
system. Swipe right to duplicate a profile. You can also download
and customize the preconfigured profiles from the Game Center
tab on the K2 App.
The K2 App allows you to set all controller functions to the keyboard keys and mouse buttons of your
choice, or in the case of the Controller Crossover Mode you can set the buttons bindings to your
preference on the controller you wish to use.
To map the controller functions:
Open the K2 App and select a profile to modify.
Select the Mapping tab and scroll down to the function you wish to map.
Direct Mapping
1. Press the desired game controller button.
2. Press the corresponding button on the App and the controller button will be
mapped to that key.
Pencil Mode Direct Mapping
The Pencil icon inside the circle on the Mapping tab allows quick function
1. Press the pencil icon to get started.
2. Press the controller function you want to map.
3. Press the keyboard key or mouse button where you want it assigned.
4. Press the save icon inside the circle to store the setting.