Automatic Gas Console Advanced Functions
Spirit200a User’s Manual Rev J
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Setting the Pierce Time
After the Spirit cutting or marking arc transfers to the workpiece, a motion
signal (ok to move signal) is sent to the x/y controller or torch height
control. When the motion signal is issued, the x/y controller or torch height
control should position the torch to the correct pierce height. The torch
should remain at the pierce height until the Pierce Time has elapsed, at
which time the torch should be positioned at the correct cutting or marking
height. When cutting, the Pierce Time should be adjusted so the arc fully
penetrates the plate before the torch is moved to the cut height. See
“Piercing Thick Materials” in Section 4. When marking, the Pierce Time is
usually adjusted to zero. To alter the Pierce Time, use the arrow keys to
scroll to Cutting Pierce Time or Marking Pierce Time. The pierce time
should be highlighted as shown and the editing cursor should be blinking.
Use the numerical keypad to enter the desired Pierce Time. Note that the
units are in milliseconds (1000 milliseconds = 1 second). Use the CLR key
to backspace if an error is made. When the correct value has been
entered, press ENT. Note that the maximum allowable Pierce Time is
5000 milliseconds (5 seconds).