Automatic Gas Console Advanced Functions
Spirit200a User’s Manual Rev J
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Inova Parameter Transmit
If an Inova arc voltage control system is not being used with the Spirit
system, the Inova Parameter Transmit feature must be disabled. With the
Inova Parameter Transmit feature set to automatic, the Inova is
automatically updated with the correct arc voltage, pierce (initial) height,
and cutting (marking) height any time a new condition is loaded, the
process (cutting or marking) is changed, or when the arc voltage, pierce
(initial) height, or cutting (marking) height is changed on the Voltage
screen. With the Inova Parameter Transmit feature set to manual,
pressing F3 while the voltage screen is being displayed will automatically
transmit the pierce (initial) height, cutting (marking) height, and arc voltage
set points to the Inova. To view the status of the Inova Parameter
Transmit setting, scroll down to the Inova Parameter Transmit selection on
the maintenance screen and press ENT. The Inova parameter transmit
screen will be displayed as shown. Pressing F3 will toggle the Inova
Parameter Transmit setting between automatic, manual, and disabled.
When the desired selection is highlighted, press ENT.