Roll inverted, neutral elevator to two clicks of
down trim, if the model descends move the C.G.
aft. If the model climbs move the C.G. forward.
C.G. movement should be no more than ¼-inch
at a time.
Engine Thrust Angle Right/Left:
On a low pass 50% power directly into the
wind, go to 80% power and pull to a vertical
line at the same time. As the model slows do not
correct the path with rudder. If the model yaws
right add 1/16-inch shims under the right side
motor mount bolts at the firewall. If the model
yaws left place the shims under the left side.
Main Wing Incidence:
Roll to knife-edge flight, if down elevator is
required to maintain a straight line, shim the back
of the main wing 1/8-inch at a time till the elevator
is neutral. If up elevator is required shave the rear
of the wing saddle 1/8-inch at a time.
Engine Thrust Angle Up/Down:
On a low pass 50% power crosswind, go to 80%
power and pull vertical at the same time. As the
model slows do not correct path with elevator.
If the model tries to loop add 1/16-inch shims to
the top motor mount bolts. If the model tries to
push over to the wheel side, add 1/16-inch shims to
the lower motor mount bolts.
Wing Tip Weight:
Level flight into the wind, roll inverted neutral
aileron. If one wing drops add weight to the other
wing tip 1/8-once at a time.
Elevator Surface Alignment:
Fly away from you directly into any wind, apply
full throttle and pull two consecutive loops. Model
rolls right, raise left elevator, model rolls left, raise
right elevator.