5.2 Duplicating From a Storage Center
The KanguruClone hard drive duplicator allows you to turn a standard hard drive into a Storage
Center. You can load images of your Master HDDs directly to the Storage Center providing you with
a convenient way to store common Source files.
5.2.1 Formatting a hard drive as a Storage Center
First you need to format a hard drive as a Storage Center:
1. From the Main menu,
the ‘SET’ button to enter the SETUP menu.
2. From the SETUP menu,
the ‘SET’ button to navigate to the ADVANCED SETUP option
and then
the ‘RUN’ button to enter the ADVANCED SETUP menu.
3. From the ADVANCED SETUP menu,
the ‘SET’ button to navigate to the FORMAT
SOURCE operation.
4. Connect the hard drive that you want to use as a Storage Center to the Source port on the
the ‘RUN’ button to execute the FORMAT SOURCE option.
6. A confirmation screen appears.
the ‘RUN’ button to proceed with formatting the hard drive
as a Storage Center or
the ‘SET’ button to cancel.
Formatting will erase any data currently stored on the hard drive.
Once the format has completed, tap any button to return to the ADVANCED SETUP menu. Your hard
drive has now been formatted as a Storage Center. You can now load images of Master HDD’s to the
Storage Center for convenient duplication.
A hard drive formatted as a Storage Center will not be recognized when connected directly to
a computer. The Storage Center uses a proprietary format not recognized by most operating systems.
5.2.2 Loading a Master HDD image to the Storage Center
Once you have formatted a hard drive to act as a Storage Center, you can load images of your Master
HDD’s to the Storage Center. To load a Master HDD image to the Storage Center:
1. Make sure your Storage Center is connected to the Source port and that the Master HDD is
connected to any other target port.
2. From the Main menu,
the ‘SET’ button to navigate to LOAD. You will see the following
(Continued on next page)
Duplicating From a Storage Center