6.4 Load
LOAD allows you to store an image of a hard drive to a Storage Center.
A Storage Center is a hard drive that has been formatted to store hard drive images. The Storage
Center allows you to quickly and conveniently access common duplication projects. For information
on formatting a hard drive as a Storage Center see section 8.20 Format Source on page 36.
To load an image of a hard drive to a Storage Center:
1. From the Main menu
the ‘SET’ button to navigate to LOAD.
2. Connect your Storage Center to the duplicator’s Source port.
3. Connect the Master hard drive to any available Target port.
the ‘RUN’ button to begin the load process.
If the screen displays the message “DEVICE NOT FORMATTED” it means that the hard
drive connected to the Source port has not been formatted as a Storage Center. For information
on formatting a hard drive as a Storage Center see section 8.20 Format Source on page 36.
5. The duplicator will ask you to input a file name for the image. Enter a file name:
a) The file name consists of three digits. The digit furthest to the right will be blinking, indicating
that it is currently selected.
the ‘RUN’ button to increase the value by one.
the ‘SET’ button to select the next digit to the left.
the ‘RUN’ button to increase the
digit by one. Repeat this step as necessary.
6. When you have completed naming the image file,
the ‘RUN’ button and the load process
will begin.
If the image file name you enter already contains an image file previously loaded on the
Storage Center, the system will ask you to confirm overwriting the previously saved file.
the ‘RUN’ button to confirm or
the ‘SET’ button to cancel.
Size of Source data
IMG file number
Percentage completed
Amount of data loaded
Data transfer rate
7. When the load process has completed you can remove the Master HDD.