PAGE: 204
FEB 01/2008
3. ELT Installation
A. ELT and bracket installation recommendations
The ELT shall not be installed within 60cm (2 ft) of a compass or flux gate.
Use cable of loss
The ELT front panel should be easily accessible to connect the outside antenna
and the remote control panel device and to check the ELT good operation
(controls and lights).
(1) FAA Recommendations
Installation must be made by qualified personnel in accordance with FAA
regulations. Duplicating a previous installation may not be acceptable.
Refer to:
FAA - Advisory Circular 43.13-2A (Acceptable Methods, Techniques,
and Practices - Aircraft Alterations), specifically, Chapters 1, 2, 11
and 13.
(2) TSO C126 Paragraph D Requirements
"The conditions and tests required for TSO approval of this ELT are
minimum performance standards. It is the responsibility of those desiring
to install this ELT on a specific type or class of aircraft to determine that the
aircraft installation conditions are within the TSO standards. The article
may be installed only if further evaluation by the applicant documents an
acceptable installation and it is approved by the Administrator"
(3) RTCA DO-182 Recommandations
All ELT system components which must survive to a crash intact,...should
be attached to the airframe in such a manner that the attachment system
can support a 100g load... in the plus and minus directions of the three
principal axes of the aircraft.
(4) RTCA DO-204 Requirements
"The ELT shall be mounted to primary aircraft load-carrying structures
such as trusses, bulkheads, longerons, spars, or floor beams (not aircraft
skin). The mounts shall have a maximum static local deflection no greater
than 2.5 mm (0.1 inch) when a force of 450 Newton (100 lbf) is applied to
the mount in the most flexible direction. Deflection measurements shall be
made with reference to another part of the airframe not less than 0.3
meters (1 foot) nor more than 1.0 meter (3 feet) from the mounting