6666----2 Looper left
2 Looper left
2 Looper left
2 Looper left----to
to----right movement
right movement
right movement
right movement
When the looper passes the needle, the point of the
looper, moving to the right, should be 1.5mm above
the top of the needle's eye.
When the looper passes the needle, the point of the
looper, moving to the left, should be 3mm above the
top of the needle's eye.
For single chainstiching, when the looper enters the
needle thread loop, the point of the looper should be
4mm above the top of the needle's eye.
To make this adjustment, remove the cover first,
loosen eccentric set screw D and then move eccentric
ball A.
6666----3 Looper setting distance
3 Looper setting distance
3 Looper setting distance
3 Looper setting distance
When the needle bar is at the bottom of its stroke,
the distance from the point of the looper to the
center of the needle should be 3mm. For single
chainstitching, the distance should be 1.8mm.
Adjustment is made by removing the cover and
loosening screw B on looper front-to-back lever A.