Accessing the databases............ 25
Antiviral kernel ............................ 27
Antivirus databases .................... 20
Check-up database .................... 59
Check-up mark parameters ........ 47
Configuration database interface 27
Distribution kit
Buy offline...................................... 9
buy online ....................................... 9
General settings of the program . 32
Kaspersky Anti-Virus
Lotus/Notes ............................... 7
License agreement ....................... 9
License key................................. 67
Notification sending parameters . 45
Object processing methods ........ 48
Deletion ........................................ 51
Disinfection .................................. 50
Ignoring ........................................ 52
Quarantine .................................... 49
Object processing parameters.... 44
Object status............................... 42
Opening the program using Lotus
Notes Client............................. 23
Operating pattern of Kaspersky
for Lotus
Notes/Domino.......................... 19
Mail interception module (Hook) . 19
Mail message scanning module
(Monitor)................................... 19
Operation pattern of Kaspersky
for Lotus
Scan of bases module.................... 19
Quarantine database for documents
Quarantine database for mail
Quarantine database selection....60
Report database..........................64
Scan of bases parameters ..........33
Attachment scanning parameters .. 35
Disinfecting objects ...................... 34
Selecting the objects to scan ......... 35
Scan of mail parameters .............38
Attachment scanning parameters .. 40
Disinfecting objects ...................... 39
Selection of objects to scan........... 40
Scheduled scanning ....................37
Starting anti-virus scanning .........56
Stopping anti-virus scanning .......56
System requirements ..................12
Technical support ........................10
Technical Support Service ........133
Uninstalling the program manually
Uninstalling the program using the
Working with report database log
records .....................................64