Appendix A. Table of
substitution macros
This section lists all the macros used in configuring alternate templates for anti-
virus processing of files (see section 6.5, page 57) and settings for virus outbreak
counters (see section 11.1, page 95) and notifications (see section 10.1,
page 87).
The macros available may differ in each specific case. To add a macro, use the
button when configuring the corresponding settings.
Macros meaning
the total number of registered events
period length
unit used to specify the time period
(seconds, minutes, hours, days)
the name of the detected virus
(in virus outbreak notifications used only for
One and the same virus detected
several times
action performed with the object during the
anti-virus scan
last anti-virus database update date
the list of the recipients of the message
carbon copy (cc)
message object content codepage
object size