Appendix C. Glossary
The product's documentation contains terms and concepts specific to the field of
anti-virus protection. This glossary contains definitions of such concepts. For your
convenience, the terms are arranged in the alphabetic order.
Administrator’s workstation
– a computer on which the Management
Console (a component of Kaspersky Security) is installed. This computer
is used to configure and manage the server part of the application called
the Security Server.
Anti-virus database –
database, created by Kaspersky Lab's specialists,
containing detailed descriptions of all currently existing viruses and meth-
ods for their detection and disinfection. Our anti-virus database is con-
stantly updated by Kaspersky Lab as new viruses appear. Therefore, the
administrator must update the anti-virus database, used by the applica-
tion, on a regular basis.
Background scan
– anti-virus scan of e-mail messages stored on the
server and of the content of the public folders using the latest version of
the anti-virus database. This scan involves public folders and protected
storages (mailbox storage). The scan may identify new viruses that were
not described in the anti-virus database at the time when previous scans
were performed.
Backup copying –
creation of a backup copy of an object before it is
processed and moving this copy into a backup storage. Object stored in
the backup storage can later be restored, sent to Kaspersky Lab for
analysis or deleted.
Backup license key
– a license key installed for the application but not
activated yet. The backup key starts functioning when the license provided
by the current key expires.
Backup storage (BACKUP)
is as special storage area for storing backup
copies of objects before these objects are disinfected, deleted or replaced.
It is a service folder created in the application's installation folder during
the installation of the Security Server component.
Black list
– a database that contains information about license keys
whose owners infringed the terms of the License Agreement and about
keys that have been created but, for any reason, have not been sold. The
content of the black list is updated on a daily basis.