options checked except remote monitor, radio enable, radio disable and vox.
“Buttons Definitions” defines the functions of the two side buttons and allows you to configure the
keypad buttons to select frequently used contacts, a feature I've not explored.
“Test Message” allows you to define a number of pre canned short messages.
“Privacy Setting” allows encryption keys to be defined. Encrypted transmissions are not permitted on
the DMR-MARC network.
“Digital Emergency System” is a carry over from the commercial world. It is not used in amateur
“Contacts” tab defines contacts and user IDs. There are two types of contact, group which defines
talk groups, and private call which defines individual users. It is the private call entries that are used
to translate the call ID value and display the corresponding contact name on the display during a
QSO. There is no easy import option, new private call contacts have to be added manually. New
contacts are added to the end of the list and the list cannot be sorted or re-ordered.
“Digital RX Group Lists” define a series of RX groups – these have a one to one correspondence with
the group contacts and are required in the channel definition page. It is also possible to create super
groups by having more than one group contact in the RX group. This will cause the receiver to
unmute on activity in any of the talk groups contained in that super group – with the restriction that
all the talk groups have to be in the same time slot.
“Zone Information” tab allows you to create zones and associate particular channels with a given
zone. A maximum of sixteen channels can be assigned to a zone.
“Scan List” tab allows you to define a series of scan lists. These define which channels will be scanned
when you are listening to a particular channel.
“Channels Information” tab defines all the channels and the parameters for each channel.
“Channel Mode” is digital for a DMR channel or analog for a conventional FM channel
“Bandwidth” 12.5kHz for digital, select 25kHz for analog
“Scan List” selects which scan list to use for this channel
“squelch” selects sensitivity, normal or tight – use tight only if necessary in a noisy
“RX and TX Ref Frequency” – leave as default, medium
“TOT” selects the time out duration, set to 3 minutes by default
“TOT Rekey Delay” set to 0
“Power” sets TX power, set to high by default
“Channel Name” The display format limits this to 10 characters.
As the radio displays the zone name on a second line, I have limited the channel name
to an abbreviated talk group name, with a letter suffix to make the name unique per repeater. This is
needed so you can find the right channel in the channels list when creating zones. I.E. you don't want
16 channels, all called VK/ZL, all with different frequencies. The suffix is spaced out sufficiently that it
does not display on the screen
“RX and TX Frequency” self explanatory
“Admit Criteria” determines when you are allowed to transmit. Color Code is the polite option
August 2015 Page