DMR Concepts
Zones are banks of channels and currently are set up and named by the repeater location that
they support.
There is generally one repeater per zone for the DMR repeaters.
is the DMR repeater on Colonial Knob. This covers Wellington City, Porirua and parts
of the Hutt Valley. It works best on the Wellington side of Pukerua Bay but does cover up to
the Kapiti Coast quite well in places, best closer to the beach, away from the hills.
is the same site but has a new frequency pair that will be introduced in the next few
months. Use Colonial for now.
is the Masterton DMR repeater, currently at the Masterton branch clubrooms at
Hood aerodrome
is the Kapiti DMR repeater on Mt Field
Covers the Kapiti Coast south to Pukerua Bay
and north along SH1 to Bulls.
is not yet on the air but will go on Hawkins or Wrights Hill to provide better
coverage in to Wellington CBD and the Hutt Valley
Wellington STSP
is a DMR STSP repeater run by the Wellington VHF Group.
is the DMR repeater in the centre of Hamilton
is the Highcliff repeater
is located on the Takaka Hill.
is on the Pahiatua Track Road above Palmerston North
is on Quinns Rd in the Waitakeries
will eventually be on the gondola building on the Summit Rd but is currently
operating from a QTH in the city.
is a generic DMR zone that will allow a user to re-program the TX and RX frequencies to a
new repeater not yet in the code plug. This will allow the radios to access the new repeater
without having the code plug updated.
Analog Upper North
Analog Lower North
Analog South Island
contain the regular
analog FM 70cm repeaters for the whole country, split in to 3 groups
National System
has the analog National System frequencies - however as the number of NS
repeaters exceeds the number of channels that fit in a single zone, the channels are identified
by frequency only eg NS 9925 would be used for Kapiti, Whangarei, Rangitoto, Rotorua,
Nelson and Dunedin NS nodes.
has the national AREC STSP repeater frequencies. Only VK/ZL, ZK and ZL talk
groups are supported.
STSP Analog
has the same set of frequencies but programmed for analog operation
August 2015 Page