Ref. PN 7000
Step 08 -Installation of the Rope Grab: Ref. RG (02)
Connect Rope Grab to the Cable following the given simple steps:
Hold the Rope Grab as shown in the figure.
Push the Rope Grab through the cable and rotate it counter
Ensure the arrow on Rope Grab points up wards.
Insert the karabiner of the shock absorbing lanyard (Ref PN 2001
(02)) in the eye of the Rope Grab.
Connect the other end of the shock absorbing lanyard to the
harness of the user by the other Karabiner.
Step 9:Connect the Harness to the Rope Grab
Check the harness that all the straps are connected and buckles are
secured and the harness has been adjusted to give it a snug fit.
Connect the Rope Grab to the front attachment point of the full body
harness with the help of the Karabiner of the connecting lanyard
(Ref PN 7000 (07)).
Ensure that the gate of the karabiner is closed and locked properly.
Ref. PN 7000
Once the system is installed the user can use a work positioning
harness along with a shock absorbing twin lanyard to climb up. He can
use the double lanyard when he needs to exit the fall arrest system
while working on towers. When the user needs to exit from the fall
arrest system in a horizontal plane towards the edge of the tower he
may need to travel restraint lanyard model 2003. While working on the
tower a work positioning lanyard helps in attaining a comfortable