EVM Modules of the MS Series Technical Introduction and User’s Guide
00, Entry Message:
This message is the first message announced to
parties that call the system over the ACD line. The system picks up an
incoming call automatically and announces that message.
“Welcome to our company. If you know the extension number, dial
it now, or wait for the operator.”
Call forwarding to certain departments can be done by making use of the
PBX grouping feature of the exchange. As a result of that forwarding missed
calls do not transferred to the next extension, only busy calls do. For
example, if 112, 113, 114 are the accounting telephones, 123, 124, 125 are
the sales telephones, and 140, 141, 142 are the technical service telephones,
then those three departments can be separately grouped by the program
“Extension PBX Group (805)” and an entry message such as “Welcome to our
company. Please dial 112 for the accounting, 123 for the sales, and 140 for
the technical service departments, or stay on the line for the operator.” may
be entered.
01, Incomplete Number Message:
In the event that an extension number
is dialed incompletely at any stage, this message is announced.
“You have dialed an incomplete number. Please try again.”
02, Busy Message:
If the called extension is busy, then this message is
announced. After that message has been received,
the busy extension can be called back by dialing “5”.
If the EVM module supports the Voice Mail Message features (if there is
a DRAM module on it), then a message can be left by dialing “82”.
“The extension you are calling is busy at the moment. You may dial
“5” to call back, 82 to leave a message, you may call another extension or
you may wait for the operator.”
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