Serial Out
This parameter allows selecting the output mode of the XFP-01. The default mode
is LIMS. The other modes are reserved for manufacture use.
Prep. revs
This represents the number of spring auger rotations before the user is prompted
to add the sample, in ratio mode.
On, Off or Partial (will only buzz during the weighing).
Display contrast
Backlight - 0-100% power
Should you need to use a different balance than the one that was provided with
the XFP-01, another model may be selected, from a list of pre-registered units.
The tolerance defines the acceptable accuracy of the dispensing. Acceptable
tolerance is ±1.0 mg to ±99.9 mg
The larger the acceptable tolerance, the faster the dispensing will be done.
Build version
This menu will display the current firmware version.
The serial communication parameters on the balance shall be set with the
following values. (Refer to the manual of your balance to see where you can
change those.)
Baud Rate: 2400
Data Bits: 8 bits
Parity: No Parity
Stop Bit: 1 Stop Bit
Handshake: No Handshake