The Joy of Quilting with Your Long-Arm Machine
The Internet is full of
amazing quilting ideas!
Check out
our Pinterest boards for
added inspiration!
• Quilt staging area: A quilt staging area is where pressed quilts can be hung so they
do not wrinkle. If you plan on working on several quilts, you can press the quilts all
at one time and then drape them in the staging area. This will keep them pressed,
lined up, and ready to be pinned on the frame. A clothes-drying rack can be used
or you can build a staging area that is wide enough for your quilts and that fits in
your quilting room area. Lynn used an old five panel door that works great!
• Batting Storage: Make sure your rolls of batting are accessible but out of the way of
your working area to help keep your workplace organized. Storing batting under
the stairs or hanging it from the ceiling are some of the different options you have.
Get creative in storing your batting.
• Get inspired: Keep an inspirational work environment. Create a space that will
help your creativity start flowing. A space where you love to be and where you feel
happy and comfortable. Have artwork that will motivate your quilting designs and
give you inspiration to quilt beautifully. Have a place near your frame and machine
where you can sit, relax, brainstorm, and design. Check out our
for inspiration!
• Keep a record of your quilts: Be sure to
take photos of all of the quilts you finish.
Keep a journal or notebook of how and
why you designed the quilting on that
specific quilt. It will be a great resource
to you for ideas as you progress in your
machine quilting.