High Speed Camera User Guide
Color Filter Array
The JetCam 25 color sensor is processed with a Bayer RGB color pattern as shown in Figure 35. Pixel
(0,0) has a red filter situated to the bottom left. Green1 and green2 have a slightly different spectral
response due to (optical) cross talk from neighboring pixels. Green1 pixels are located on a green-red
row, green2 pixels are located on a blue-green row.
Figure 35 : Color Filter Array for the Pixel Array
Similarly, the JetCam 19 color sensor is processed with a Bayer RGB color pattern, but the Bayer
type is GBRG in this case. Pixel (0, 0) has a green filter and in the same row there is a blue filter. On
the other row there is a red filter and another green filter next to it.
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