Immediately after use, pump through with hot soapy
water, followed by clean water.
This is essential to
ensure blockages do not occur due to a build-up
of residue and to promote the long life of your
Remove piston and lubricate ‘O’-ring with medicinal
liquid paraffin or Caster oil and refit piston, do not
interchange pistons between syringes as they are
individually calibrated for accuracy.
4. Maintenance
If you experience difficulty when
priming the syringe and vaccine
is not initially drawn through, use
a disposable syringe with a short
piece of PVC tubing attached
to the front stem to draw the
vaccine through.
The syringe is designed and
built to give a high degree of
accuracy. If accuracy should
fail, check for residual matter
stuck on the valves.
-Unscrew and remove delivery
option. i.e. Rear connector,
multifit bottle holder or cap
assembly bottlemount.
-Ensure suction valve and
valve spring are clean and
undamaged and no residual
matter appears in rear connector
or rear of vaccinator.
-Replace parts as in diagram
ensuring correct orientation of
suction valve.
If after long service there is
leakage from the base of the
handgrip, remove piston and fit
new ‘o’ ring and lubricate with
Liquid paraffin or Caster oil
before replacing piston.
5. Troubleshooting