8.6.3 Manual mode window, "Jog mode" tab
The jog speeds in the Manual mode window are oriented to the values of the "Jog
mode speed" screen. The drive is moved using the "Jog -" and "Jog +" buttons.
Image 8.65: "Jog mode" window
ID No.: 0842.26B.5-01 Date: 09.2020
ServoOne - Device Help
8 Motion profile
8.7 Reference table
With the reference table up to 16 reference values can be defined. In the process,
the drive moves to its targets in conformance to the respective driving sets.
Depending on the selected control mode, each reference in the table assigned a
speed, acceleration and deceleration value. The table reference values can be used
in any control mode.
Image 8.66: “Reference table” screen
The setpoints need to be provided in the distance units defined by the user (for
details on how distance units are defined, see Section "Scaling / Units" on page