4. Cleaning your Nanobrewery
Before starting a brew day, it is important to clean your Nanobrewery. Cleaning is necessary
to remove unwanted materials, particularly in the vessel’s internal structure. Not cleaning
could lead to accidental infection of your final beer and/or structural damage to the brewing
Use cleaners that are odourless, non-abrasive and preferably non-caustic. We recommend
using Atomic 15 ABC (Product code 9006), which is a highly effective, low-foaming cleaner.
Other options include sodium percarbonate (Product code 6172) and other powdered brew-
ery cleaners.
To thoroughly clean your Nanobrewery, fill the unit up to the top with water along with all of
the disassembled parts inside. Add in the recommended amount of cleaner, heat to 60°C
and leave to soak for up to 60 minutes. Afterwards, drain out the cleaning solution and rinse
everything with water and leave to dry before use.
If you require scrubbing, use a sponge or a nylon scouring pad. Do not use steel wools as
they may cause damage to the steel surfaces.
If you intend to run wort into the Immersion Chiller for cooling, then the coils will need to be
internally cleaned. Connect one end of the chiller to the recirculation pump via the silicone
hose and run hot cleaning solution through it. Clean for 5 minutes, drain then rinse with
water thoroughly.
Atomic 15 ABC (Product code 9006)