BrewZilla 35L - Gen 4 Instruction Manual
Last Updated 22/03/2022 16:53 PM
Once you have mashed your grain for 60-
90 minutes it’s then time to sparge the grain.
Sparging involves rinsing the grain bed with warm water to extract as much sugar as
possible without extracting undesirable tannins.
Using the malt pipe handle lift the malt pipe out of the boiler and rotate 90 degrees until
you see the feet of the malt pipe located near the halo ring (wire supports). See picture to
the right.
The Gen 4 BrewZilla includes a two-stage malt pipe. This gives you the option to lift the malt
pipe half way up and support it on the halo ring. This makes it more ergonomic, making it
easier to lift the heavy malt pipe out of the liquid. If you are making smaller batches only
raising the malt pipe up halfway may be preferable.
Note: The malt pipe of the March 2022 batch of Gen 4.0 BZ does not feature a perforated malt pipe
like the one shown above.