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2600AS-901-01 Rev. B / September 2008
Section 7: Reading Buffers
Series 2600A System SourceMeter® Instruments Reference Manual
Dynamic reading buffers
Reading buffers can also be allocated dynamically. Dynamic reading buffers are created and
allocated with the
command, where
is the number of readings the
buffer can store. For example, the following command allocates a Channel A reading buffer named
that can store 100 readings:
mybuffer = smua.makebuffer(100)
Allocated reading buffers can be deleted as follows:
mybuffer = nil
Dynamically allocated reading buffers can be used interchangeably with the
Buffer examples
Defined buffer example
The listing below shows a programming example for storing data using the pre-defined Buffer 1 for
Channel A. The Series 2600A loops for voltages from 0.01V to 1V with 0.01V steps (essentially
performing a staircase sweep), stores 100 current readings and source values in Buffer 1, and
then recalls all 100 readings and source values.
-- Restore Series 2600A defaults.
-- Select Channel A display.
display.screen = 0
-- Display current.
display.smua.measure.func = display.MEASURE_DCAMPS
-- Select measure I auto range.
smua.measure.autorangei = smua.AUTORANGE_ON
-- Select ASCII data format.
format.data = format.ASCII
-- Clear Buffer 1.
-- Enable append buffer mode.
smua.nvbuffer1.appendmode = 1
-- Enable source value storage.
smua.nvbuffer1.collectsourcevalues = 1
-- Set count to 1.
smua.measure.count = 1
-- Select source voltage function.
smua.source.func = smua.OUTPUT_DCVOLTS
-- Set bias voltage to 0V.
smua.source.levelv = 0.0
-- Turn on output.
smua.source.output =smua.OUTPUT_ON
-- Loop for voltages from 0.01 V to 1 V.
for v = 0.01, 1.0, 0.01 do
-- Set source voltage
smua.source.levelv = v
-- Measure current, store in buffer.
--Wait for reading to complete.
-- Turn off output.
smua.source.output =smua.OUTPUT_OFF
-- Return readings 1-100.
printbuffer(1, 100, smua.nvbuffer1.readings)