Model 2651A High Power System SourceMeter® Instrument Reference Manual
Section 3: Functions and features
2651A-901-01 Rev. A / March 2011
Dynamically allocated buffer example
The programming example below illustrates how to store data to an allocated buffer called
. The Model 2651A stores 100 current readings in
and then recalls all the
-- Restore Model 2651A defaults.
-- Select measure I autorange.
smua.measure.autorangei = smua.AUTORANGE_ON
-- Select measure V autorange.
smua.measure.autorangev = smua.AUTORANGE_ON
-- Select ASCII data format. = format.ASCII
-- Set buffer count to 100.
smua.measure.count = 100
-- Set measure interval to 0.1 s.
smua.measure.interval = 0.1
-- Select source voltage function.
smua.source.func = smua.OUTPUT_DCVOLTS
-- Output 1 V.
smua.source.levelv = 1
-- Turn on output.
smua.source.output = smua.OUTPUT_ON
-- Create a temporary reading buffer.
mybuffer = smua.makebuffer(smua.measure.count)
-- Store current readings in mybuffer.
-- Wait for buffer to fill.
-- Turn off output.
smua.source.output = smua.OUTPUT_OFF
-- Output readings 1 to 100 from mybuffer.
printbuffer(1, 100, mybuffer)
-- Delete mybuffer.
mybuffer = nil
Sweep operation
The Keithley Instruments Model 2651A High Power System SourceMeter
Instrument can generate
DC and pulsed sweeps to perform source-only sweeps, source-and-measure sweeps, or
measure-only sweeps. There are three sweep types shown in the following figure: DC and pulsed
linear staircase sweeps (A), DC and pulsed logarithmic staircase sweeps (B), and DC and pulsed list
sweeps (C). Details about each kind of sweep follow the figure.