Series 3700 System Switch/Multimeter Reference Manual
Section 6
Buffer: Data Storage and Retrieval
Document Number: 3700S-901-01 Rev. A / August 2007
-8.851423860e-002, Volts DC, 2.009161500e-001
3.891038895e-002, Volts DC, 2.647790700e-001
-7.581630349e-002, Volts DC, 3.032140350e-001
-8.236359060e-002, Volts DC, 3.226125750e-001
-8.551311493e-002, Volts DC, 3.425625900e-001
for x = 1,mybuffer.n do
print(mybuffer.readings[x], mybuffer.units[x],
Sample output of above code:
3.535493836e-002 Volts DC 0.000000
-4.749810696e-002 Volts DC 5.730966000e-002
-8.893087506e-002 Volts DC 7.722769500e-002
4.164193198e-002 Volts DC 1.246876800e-001
-6.900507957e-002 Volts DC 1.815213600e-001
-8.851423860e-002 Volts DC 2.009161500e-001
3.891038895e-002 Volts DC 2.647790700e-001
-7.581630349e-002 Volts DC 3.032140350e-001
-8.236359060e-002 Volts DC 3.226125750e-001
-8.551311493e-002 Volts DC 3.425625900e-001
Exceeding reading buffer capacity
If the reading buffer count is not exceeded, readings are stored as expected. But if the reading
buffer size would be exceeded by new readings being added to the current buffer index, the
count will be lowered to a new count so it does not exceed the buffer size. Once the buffer is full
(to the new count), no more readings are taken and an error message that you attempted to
exceed the capacity of reading buffer is displayed. If you attempt to store additional readings in
a full buffer, the same message appears with no readings being taken.
For example: