Section 9
Instrument Control Library (ICL)
Series 3700 System Switch/Multimeter Reference Manual
Document Number: 3700S-901-01 Rev. A / August 2007
status function and attributes
The following provides a brief overview of the status model. Details on the status model are
provided in this manual.
Status byte and SRQ
The status byte register receives the summary bits of the five status register sets, a master
summary bit, and two queues. The register sets and queues monitor the various instrument
events. When an enabled event occurs, it sets a summary bit in the status byte register. When a
summary bit of the status byte is set and its corresponding enable bit is set (as programmed by
the user), the RQS/MSS bit will set to indicate that an SRQ has occurred, and the GPIB SRQ
line will be asserted.
Figure 9-4: Status byte and queues
Status byte register.
Reads the status byte register:
statbyte = status.condition