In this section:
Introduction ..................................................................................................... 13-1
Error summary ................................................................................................ 13-1
Error effects on scripts..................................................................................... 13-1
Reading errors ................................................................................................ 13-2
Error summary ................................................................................................ 13-2
This section includes information on error levels, how to read errors, and a complete listing of
error messages.
Error summary
Errors are listed in the following tables. Error levels are listed below:
Informational status message only
Informational status message only
Error not serious, can be recovered
Error serious, but unit still operational by correcting error
Unit non-operational
Error effects on scripts
Most errors will not abort a running script. The only time a script is aborted is when a Lua run-
time error (error number -286) is detected. Run-time errors are caused by actions such as trying
to index into a variable that is not a table. Syntax errors (error number -285) in a script/command
will not technically abort the script, but it will prevent the script/command from being executed.
Section 13
Error codes