Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual
Section 4: Multi-frequency capacitance-voltage unit
4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017
Generate open connection compensation data
Open connection compensation is usually done to offset correction for small capacitances.
Open compensation is done with all the cables, adaptors, switch matrices, and other hardware
connections connected to the device under test in the test circuit. The probes must be lifted up or the
device must be removed from the test fixture.
To generate open connection compensation data:
1. Make the connections to the 4210-CVU, as shown in the following figure. For remote (4-wire)
sensing, the shields of the four SMA cables must be connected as close as possible.
Figure 86: Connections for open connection compensation CVU
2. In Clarius, select
. The Clarius Tools dialog box opens.
Figure 87: Clarius Tools dialog box