Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual
Section 4: Multi-frequency capacitance-voltage unit
4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017
CVU using frequency sweep - DC bias
This is an example of the Advanced Terminal Settings dialog box set to Freq Sweep - DC Bias.
Figure 109: CVU Frequency Sweep - DC bias
When this test is run, the following force-measure sequence occurs:
1. The DC source goes to the Presoak voltage of 5 V for the hold time.
2. The DC bias goes to 1 V for the system delay and sweep delay times and remains on during the
frequency sweep.
3. The CVU makes a measurement for the first frequency point (100 kHz). The AC test signal is
applied before the start of the measurement. AC drive is turned off after the measurement.
4. Step 3 is repeated for the other frequency points. The system delay and sweep delay are
repeated for each subsequent measurement.
The sweep delay and hold time are set in the Test Settings pane.
Figure 110: CVU Frequency Sweep (bias) output