Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual
Section 4: Multi-frequency capacitance-voltage unit
4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017
C-V projects
A project contains tests for a testing application. The projects that support 4210-CVU testing are
summarized in the next table.
4210-CVU projects
Combines a 4200-SMU, 4210-CVU, and matrix switching in one project. Closes
switches on the matrix card to connect the SMUs to a device to measure I-V on a
capacitor. Then it opens and closes another set of switches to make C-V
measurements on a capacitor.
(on page 4-38)
Measures capacitance (0 V bias) between two terminals of a bipolar junction
transistor (BJT): CCB, CCE, and CBE.
(on page 4-
This project has test modules that measure the capacitance as a function of time at
0 V between the terminals of a BJT: collector-base, collector-emitter, and base-
emitter. You can measure this capacitance at 0 V or as a function of an applied
voltage. The 4200A-CVIV switches the CVU to the BJT terminals.
(on page 4-43) Contains tests for making high-voltage C-V measurements on a Zener diode, MOS
capacitor, capacitor, and a Schottky diode. These tests use the CVU, SMU, and the
4205-RBT remote bias tee. The CVU measures the capacitance, the SMU supplies
the DC bias, and the 4205-RBT bias tee couples the AC and DC signal.
(on page 4-
Measures C-V on a MOS capacitor and extract parameters, including oxide
capacitance, oxide thickness, doping density, depletion depth, debye length,
flatband capacitance, flatband voltage, bulk potential, threshold voltage, metal-
semiconductor work function difference, and effective oxide charge.
Determines generation velocity and lifetime testing (Zerbst plot) of MOS capacitors.
Performs both C-V and C-t sweeps and then generates a Zerbst plot, which is the
generation rate plotted as a function of depletion depth.
Demonstrates how you can use a 4200A-CVIV Multi-Switch to automate I-V and
C-V testing of a MOSFET. When the project is run, the 4200A-CVIV connects four
SMUs to the MOSFET. The SMUs perform I-V tests on the MOSFET. The 4200A-
CVIV then connects the CVU to the MOSFET. The CVU measures the gate to
drain/source/bulk capacitance as a function of the DC voltage.
page 4-70)
Performs both a C-V sweep and a C-f sweep on a metal-insulator-metal (MIM)
capacitor. Standard deviation is calculated.
(on page 4-72)
This test performs a voltage sweep that measures capacitance on each step,
generates a C versus V graph, and calculates noise.
page 4-73)
Determines mobile charge using bias-temperature stress method. Makes C-V
measurements on a device at room temperature, and then repeats the C-V
measurements for a hot chuck. The mobile charge is determined from the flatband
(on page 4-80)
Performs a two-terminal C-V sweep on a MOSFET device, and calculates oxide
thickness, oxide capacitance, flatband capacitance, and flatband voltage. There is
also a test that calculates and plots the doping concentration as a function of
depletion depth.
(on page
These tests perform C-V sweeps on a two-terminal nanowire device. The tests are
similar but use different drive frequencies. The tests generate capacitance versus
voltage graphs.
(on page 4-88)
This project contains DC I-V, C-V, and pulse I-V tests for a PN junction. Measures
the capacitance of a PN junction or Schottky diode as a function of the DC bias
voltage across the device. Has tests that include a basic C-V sweep, 1/C
versus V,
and a doping profile.