In this appendix:
Using a manual or fake prober software .................................... I-1
Manual prober overview ............................................................ I-1
Fake prober overview ................................................................ I-2
Modifying the prober configuration file ....................................... I-3
Probesites Clarius project example ........................................... I-4
Probesubsites Clarius project example ..................................... I-7
Using a manual or fake prober software
The Keithley Instruments 4200A-SCS provides all software required for both manual and fake prober
operation; no additional software is needed.
Remote control of the prober is disabled when using manual or fake probers. The probe station must
be manually controlled. The user is also responsible for the prober station set-up.
Manual prober overview
Use the MANL prober to test without using automatic prober functionality. Configuring the
environment for a MANL prober replaces all computer control of the prober with that of the operator,
while allowing the user to step through each command in the sequence. At each prober command, a
dialog box appears that instructs the operator.
The probing sequence using the MANL prober:
Start a project.
Issue a
command to tell the user to initialize the prober. The
dialog box opens.
The user continues by clicking
. The project sets up the measurement system to test the first
Figure 725: Prober Action Required dialog box: OK initialization
Appendix I
Using a manual or fake prober