Appendix K: Using a Signatone CM500 Prober
Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual
4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017
Figure 818: CM500 Prober Enable Subsite
7. In the
menu bar, select the
Save setup As
command to save the file to a hard disk. You can
load this setup next time without going through all of the procedures again.
8. The Prober is now ready to accept a remote command from the 4200A-SCS.
Clarius project example for probe sites
The following is a step-by-step procedure to configure the Clarius project to execute testing and
automatic wafer stepping to all programmed sites successfully. When the CM500 prober is connected
to the 4200A-SCS by GPIB interface, the 4200A-SCS is the GPIB master controller and the CM500 is
always in listening mode. The 4200A-SCS will send control commands to the CM500 to move the
prober to next site during the automatic testing. The interface commands are
, and
. You will need to add these commands into the Clarius project.
On the probe station computer, complete the
(on page K-1) section.
Use KCon to add a prober
You use KCon on the 4200A-SCS to add the prober to the configuration.
On the 4200A-SCS, use KCon to add the prober to the configuration:
1. Open KCon.
2. At the bottom of the Configuration Navigator, select
Add External Instrument
. The Add External
Instrument dialog box is displayed.
Figure 819: Add a prober in KCon