Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual
Section 5: Pulse measure and pulse generator units
4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017
Figure 182: PMU Waveform Capture (measurement overflow on the 10 mA current range)
4220-PGU and 4225-PMU output limitations
In addition to the maximum output of the PMU and PGU instrument cards (see
determines pulse voltage across DUT
(on page 5-61)), the pulse instrument cards also have a limit
for the number of large amplitude pulse transitions within a period of time. The 4200A-SCS system
enforces limits on the quantity and amplitude of waveforms that the 4220-PGU and 4225-PMU may
generate. A test exceeding these internal limits generates error code
13-144) for more information). To fix this problem, increase pulse period, decrease voltage amplitude,
or both.