In this section:
Introduction .............................................................................. 1-1
4200A-SCS system overview ................................................... 1-2
Embedded computer policy ...................................................... 1-4
The Keithley Instruments Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer is a customizable and fully-
integrated parameter analyzer that provides synchronized insight into current-voltage (I-V),
capacitance-voltage (C-V), and ultra-fast pulsed I-V characterization. The highest performance
parameter analyzer, the 4200A-SCS accelerates semiconductor, materials, and process
The 4200A-SCS Clarius
GUI-based software provides clear, uncompromised measurement and
analysis capability. Furnished with embedded measurement expertise and hundreds of ready-to-use
application tests, Clarius enables you to dig deeper into your research with speed and confidence.
The following topics introduce you to the 4200A-SCS, as follows:
(on page 1-2):
An overall block diagram and summary of the system.
Basic configurations and capabilities of the source-measure units (SMUs), preamplifiers,
pulse generator and measure units, and capacitance-voltage units (CVUs) that source and
measure the electrical signals that are connected to your devices under test (DUTs).
(on page 1-4): Explains Keithley Instruments’ policy concerning the use of
third-party software and its no-tamper policy for the Microsoft
operating system.
Section 1