Section 6: Clarius
Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual
4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017
Settling Times
The settling time is the time that it takes for pulse levels to stabilize after the voltage or current is
changed, such as during execution of a sweep.
The Typical Minimum Timing Recommendations dialog box displays typical minimum timing versus
current measure range recommendations. These are the recommended minimums for each current
measure range. Longer times may be required to accommodate DUT and interconnect settling.
Figure 271: Typical minimum timing recommendations
When using autorange with an RPM connected, use the timing values on the top row (or
longer/slower values). If using limited autorange, start with the timing values for that range.
If pulse width or period timing parameters are too narrow for a chosen measure range, a message is
displayed showing the change to the current measure range for each effected channel. To avoid
these changes, follow the guidelines shown in the previous figure. See
(on page 5-41) for more information.
Settling time includes the following τ (tau) time constants:
Varies mainly with current range.
Due to cables, switches, and probers.
τDUT (Device Under Test):
Due to the implicit characteristics of the DUT.
τDielectric Absorption:
An issue only on the low current ranges.