Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual
Section 6: Clarius
4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017
VPU Common settings
When AC Voltage Stress is selected, you can make additional settings for the VPU.
To access the settings, select
VPU Common Settings
. These settings apply to both channels of the
VPU. In this dialog box, you can set:
The pulse low values for channel 1 and channel 2.
Rise time, fall time, frequency and the impedance of the load.
Figure 327: VPU Common Settings dialog box
Device Pin / Switch Connections
In the Device Pin / Switch Connections area, enter the connection terminal numbers and information
for each terminal. You also enter VPU and SMU information.
Assign the connection terminal numbers for this device. When DC Voltage Stress or DC Current
Stress is selected, the device terminals are connected to a SMU or a matrix card.
If there is no matrix card in the system, the terminal assignments for each device must match the
actual physical connections to the SMUs. For example, if the drain of a device is connected to SMU2,
the terminal assignment for Drain Pin in the Subsite Stress Properties window must be set to 2.
For a VPU with no matrix, assign the pins to the channel of the VPU. For example, assign value 1 to
the device terminal that is connected to channel 1 of the VPU. Assign 2 to the device terminal that is
connected to VPU channel 2.
Matrix card system
: For a system that uses a matrix card, the pin number assignments for each
device must match the actual physical connections to the matrix card. The following figure shows an
example of how the Device Pin Connections properties must match the actual connections of the
devices to the matrix card.
: If your voltage stress system is using a switch matrix, the 4200A-SCS tries to maximize the
amount of SMU sharing in order to allow parallel testing. It determines what pins can share SMUs in
the following fashion. If pins from different devices have the same name (for example, Gate Pin, Drain
Pin, etc). and the like named pins are assigned the same voltage stress, then when the stress is
applied these pins will all be automatically connected to the same SMU through the switch matrix.
That SMU will supply the voltage stress to all the pins simultaneously.
When AC Voltage Stress is selected, you can select VPU for each pin. If the pin is connected to
a VPU, select VPU. If the pin is connected to a SMU, clear VPU.
Determines the sequence the SMUs will follow for powering DUTs. If no settings are defined, the
SMUs power on from the lowest number to the highest (SMU1, SMU2, SMU3, and so on).