Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual
Section 6: Clarius
4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017
X, Y1, and Y2 Axis options
The options for the X Axis, Y1 Axis, and Y2 Axis are described in the following table.
Title Text
The title for the axis. Defaults to the row 1 column heading in the Run tab.
Title Rotation
The direction of the title text. Select the angle from the list.
Scale Min
The minimum scale value for the axis. This value is only applied if Auto is
cleared (no autoscaling).
Scale Max
The maximum scale value for the axis. This value is only applied if Auto is
cleared (no autoscaling).
Scale Auto
Optimizes the scale of an axis to show all of the data, based on the largest
value. Works with both linear and log scales. It may change the way a
logarithmic scale is displayed.
Scale |Abs|
Makes all data in the graph display to the positive portion of the graph.
Scale Log
When selected, changes the axis to be shown logarithmically. |Abs| is
automatically applied when Log is selected.
Scale Invert
When selected, changes the direction of the data on an axis. For example, if
Invert is selected for the X axis, data values decrease from left to right instead of
Advanced Axis Properties
The Advanced Axis options for the X Axis, Y1 Axis, and Y2 Axis are described in the following table.
Annotation Type
Sets number type used for the axis labels:
The labels are in simple decimal notation, such as
The labels are in scientific notation (for example,
instead of
The axis labels are in engineering notation (for example,
instead of
Engineering Symbol:
Displays units with the label, such as
30.0 Volts (V)
Engineering Symbol
When Engineering is selected, the Annotation is displayed in simple decimal
notation with an engineering unit. If you select Auto, the symbol is added
automatically. If Auto is cleared, you can select the symbol to be used from a
list, such as
30000.0 mV
Specifies the number of decimal points in the labels.
Specifies where the X-axis labels are placed relative to the top and bottom of the
graph and where Y1-axis and Y2- axis labels are placed relative to the right and
left sides of the graph. You can select:
Clarius determines where the labels are placed.
The axis is placed at the origin. This option is intended for a
bipolar axis (an axis that has both positive and negative scale values). If
an axis is not bipolar, the Origin is the same as Min).
For X-axes, the axis is placed at the bottom. For Y-axes, the axis is
placed to the left of the graph.
For X-axes, the axis is place at the top. For Y-axes, the axis is
placed to the right of the graph.
The alignment of the labels of the axis. All angles are specified relative to the X
axis. The default rotations place the labels perpendicular to the axes.
Specifies the color of the labels of the axis.
Grid Lines
Specifies if the graph has grid lines at the major tick marks of the axis.