Section 7: Keithley Configuration Utility (KCon)
Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual
4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017
A two-terminal general-purpose instrument is an unsupported external instrument with two terminals
(HI and LO), such as a current source. Generally, the instrument HI and LO terminals transmit or
receive the instrument stimulus signals.
A four-terminal general-purpose instrument is an unsupported external instrument with four terminals
(HI, SENSE HI, LO, and SENSE LO), such as a digital multimeter. Generally, the instrument HI and
LO terminals transmit or receive the instrument stimulus signals. The instrument SENSE HI and
SENSE LO terminals typically measure the device under test (DUT) response to the instrument
The SENSE HI and SENSE LO signals are automatically routed through separate (parallel) switch
matrix pathways when making connections between the general purpose instrument HI/LO terminals
and the test-system pins.
To control the operation of a GPIB or RS-232 general-purpose instrument in a Clarius project, create
a user library with KULT and use the LPT library I/O functions (
* and
*) to communicate with
the general-purpose instrument (refer to
Keithley User Library Tool (KULT)
(on page 8-1) for more
information). As with any other instrument in the system configuration, general-purpose instrument
terminals can be automatically routed to test system pins using the
user module in the
user library. Refer to
(on page A-1) for information.
To set the GPIB address, refer to
(on page 7-15).
KXCI Settings
If you need to set up the 4200A-SCS as a subordinate on a GPIB or ethernet system, you do the
initial setup through the KCon KXCI Settings. This allows you to use an external computer to remotely
control the 4200A-SCS over GPIB or ethernet.
You can also use KXCI to set up emulation for Keysight 4145B Semiconductor Parameter Analyzers.
In many cases, test programs developed for use with a Keysight 4145B run without modification when
they are used with a 4200A-SCS running KXCI.
Refer to
Keithley External Control Interface
(on page 9-1) for detailed information regarding KXCI.