Model 4200A-SCS Pulse Card (PGU and PMU) User's Manual
Section 2: Connections
4200A-PMU-900-01 Rev. A December 2020
Figure 16: Pulse card connections to triaxial prober or test fixture
A. White SMA cable (2 m/6.5 ft, included with the PGU and PMU)
B. SMA female-to-BNC male (included with the 4200-Prober-Kit)
C. BNC female-to-three-lug triaxial male (included with the 4200-Prober-Kit))
RPM connections to DUT
With an RPM installed, NEVER make connections directly to any of the SMA connectors (CH1
and CH2) on the PMU module. This may result in damage to the PMU or DUT or may produce
corrupt data.
A device under test (DUT) can be tested using local sensing or remote sensing. Local sensing is
performed at the RPM, while remote sensing is performed at the DUT. When using remote sensing,
errors due to voltage drops in the Force path between the RPM and the DUT are eliminated. With
proper cabling, SMU or CVU tests provide remote sensing through the RPM.
Local sensing
For local sensing, only the Force output terminal of the RPM is connected to the DUT. The Sense
output terminal is not used. The following figure shows local sense connections using the supplied
adapter cable and adapters. For the two-terminal test shown in the following figure, the local ground is
left unconnected. Test circuit low is connected to the shield of the Force connector through the