Section 5: Pulse measure and pulse generator units
Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual
4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017
Triggering is used for the following operations:
(on page 5-66): Configure the Keithley pulse card for the trigger mode
(Continuous, Burst or Trig Burst) and use a software trigger to start pulse output.
(on page 5-67): Synchronize the pulse-measure operation of a
pulse generator card.
For each pulse in a test, a trigger pulse is sent to the trigger output. If you are using Segment Arb
waveforms, you can define if a trigger out is sent for each segment.
The 4220-PMU and 4225-PGU are trigger out only (no trigger in). These pulse cards use the internal
trigger bus for output synchronization when using any commands that require the
command to execute.
If you need to define a trigger in using a source-only pulse waveform (2-level or Segment Arb), you
can create a user test module (UTM) that uses the command set described in
(on page 13-6). This allows an external trigger (LPT command
) to output a 2-level pulse (LPT commands
or seg-arb (LPT command
). This allows for external triggering (a trigger input into
the card) that causes a burst of pulses to be output.
Triggering transition time must be <100 ns. Trigger output Level and Trigger In Level must be TTL.
Details on the trigger functions discussed in the following paragraphs are provided in the
(on page 13-1).
Basic triggering
The pulse output of a pulse card can be started by a software trigger. The LPT function for the
software trigger also sets the trigger mode. Enabled pulse generator channels will then output a
continuous string of pulses (continuous trigger mode), or a burst of pulses (burst or trig burst trigger
Software trigger source
To use a software trigger to start pulse output, the software trigger source must first be selected. The
(on page 13-155) function is used to select the software trigger source.