Model 4200A-SCS Pulse Card (PGU and PMU) User's Manual
Section 5: KPulse (for Keithley Pulse Cards)
4200A-PMU-900-01 Rev. A December 2020
3. The custom waveform is a simple 6-point waveform made up of these voltage values: 0 V, 4 V,
1 V, 3 V, 2 V, 0 V. Those seven entries are shown in the text editors in the above graphic. The
time at each point is determined by the Time Per Point setting in the Arb Generator tab.
4. Save as a waveform file (
) in the ArbFiles folder at the location:
Calculation waveform
An example of a calculation waveform is shown in the following figure. The waveform for this example
is named CALC1, but can be any name that is not already used in the Scratch Pad.
The calculation (add, subtract, multiple or divide) performs the selected math operation on two
selected Scratch Pad waveforms. In the following example example, SINE1 is added to Ramp.
After selecting the two waveforms and the math operation, select
to display the result of the
calculation. Select
to place the waveform in the Scratch Pad.
Figure 114: Calculation waveform
Noise waveform
An example of a noise waveform is shown in the following figure. The waveform for this example is
named NOISE1, but can be any name that is not already used in the Scratch Pad.
After changing one or more settings, select
to display the waveform. Select
to place the
waveform in the Scratch Pad.