Section 3: Setting up PMUs and PGUs in Clarius
Model 4200A-SCS Pulse Card (PGU and PMU) User's Manual
4200A-PMU-900-01 Rev. A December 2020
PMU Test Settings
The settings that are available for PMU tests are described in the following topics.
Test Mode (PMU)
The Test Mode selects the type of pulse test. You can select:
Pulse IV
: This test mode performs spot mean measurements (V or I) of the amplitude or base
portions of one or more pulses. Typically, current versus voltage is graphed in the Analyze graph.
project provides an example of a pulse drain family of curves using the
pulse test mode.
Waveform Capture
: This test mode samples the entire waveform. The waveform is graphed
(voltage and/or current versus time) in the Analyze graph. The
project provides an
example of a waveform capture. Note that the Timing Sweep Step option (in the Advanced dialog
box) is disabled when Waveform Capture is selected.
For pulse I-V, spot mean measurements are made on pulse amplitude and base level. You can
measure voltage and current. The following figure shows the measure windows for spot mean
measurements. The start measure and stop measure points for ITMs are fixed at 75 percent and 90
percent for both amplitude and base level.
Figure 42: Pulse I-V (spot mean measurements)
The number of measurement samples that are made is relative to the widths of the magnitude and
base level. For example, if the width of the magnitude is 1 µs, the measure window is 750 ns to
900 ns. If the width of the base level is 2 µs, the measure window is 1500 ns to 1800 ns.